
What We Do - December 2021

Scholarship program: This  began as a way for students to attend 7th grade through high school because children needed uniforms, supplies, and transportation. The local school only served students through 6th grade. Fredis Argueta was the first child ever to attend high school in that community. As more education, and students’ success became an example for others, we eventually saw our way clear to support students in university. This was our first year to support seven students, totally in university. The breadth and variety of majors, and the leadership shown by graduating and attending students has been so impressive! Even more than that, the students’ response to the immense challenges posed by the COVID pandemic has been nothing short of spectacular.

Artisan project: began with about 10 San Pedro families participating by crocheting purses in various styles and colors, or big, beautiful hammocks. We pay them a fair price for their work and only add shipping and tax costs for the consumers. Getting shipments these past 2 years has been difficult, with the travel restrictions, but we have managed with the help of the wide sister community network.

Equal Exchange Sales:  As a way to keep the San Pedro project out in the public, and to supplement donations, we began selling fair trade food items at Aurora Farmers Markets, at the Friends Meeting House, and at craft fairs as we are able. While this provides a small portion of our income, it takes much time and effort, and we welcome anyone who is willing to chip in some time on a Saturday or Tuesday!

Annual Trip: One of the pieces of this project that means the most to people in both our communities is the annual trip. We are welcomed with open arms and become part of their families for a few days a year, as well as meeting with the various committees to listen and set new directions for our relationship. We dance, sing, worship with them in their lay Catholicism, and eat simple, delicious food. When not in the San Pedro community, we tour various important or beautiful parts of El Salvador or hear from experts in important and interesting issues – all under the watchful guidance and accompaniment of the folks at FUNDAHMER, a Salvadoran NGO, who also provide an interpreter. Unfortunately the pandemic has  prevented us from  traveling to El Salvador for the last two years. Some of us are anxious to return soon and look forward to new conversations. We welcome fellow travelers, new and old.

Related Project: Through FACES, an American non-profit working in conjunction with FUNDAHMER, San Pedro has been a participant in the Dignified Housing Project, which was born out of a shared dream between San Pedro community and the Cayuga sister community group.  A community based approach has been used in building safe and durable homes at reasonable cost (about $2,500 per house). In 2017 3 new homes have been built in the San Pedro. More homes have been funded for 2018. Donations for this project can be made through the FACES website.